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Tríades e Tétrades

Apostila contendo tríades e tétrades ( acordes de 3 e 4 notas) nas principais aberturas e inversões, contendo o mínimo de teoria e muitos exemplos em notas e diagramas (bracinhos de violão). É uma abordagem bem prática, útil para músicos amadores e profissionais.


Workbook containing triads and tetrads (chords of 3 and 4 notes) in the main voicings and inversions, containing a minimum of theory and many examples in notes and diagrams (little guitar necks). It's a very practical approach, useful for both amateur and professional musicians.

Tríades e Tétrades

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  • *About Payment: To make things easier set up a PayPal account.

    If you don't have a PayPal account and prefer to make your payment manually, use any international internet bank transfer method as TranferWise, or any other method of your choice. In this case, send me a message requesting a manual payment and I'll send all data needed for the transaction.


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